Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday Bliss

Here I am again, a week after the infusion and two days after Christmas, and all is as it should be in life.  I have felt no ill effects from the infusion, which I must admit is a blessing as well as a worry--how could something that is supposed to be killing the bad guys leave me feeling pretty normal? Is it working? Is it fighting & destroying like it is programmed to do? I pray every day it is. I give my body its daily pep talk & encouragement, hoping and praying that my little army is further strengthened to complete its mission & press forward.
Christmas was (and continues to be) a wonder. On Christmas Eve, I received a surprise gift that was made possible from a number of family members & friends. As I read their names from the card that came with the gift, I could feel their individual love for me. It was overwhelming, to say the least. My sweet kids wanted me to have an iPad to take to treatments & doctor appts and "put out the word" for donations to the cause. Immediately, responses came pouring in--generous & kind & loving. The dream of the iPad was soon realized, and still the donations were coming in. Lindsey said it was an amazing experience for her to see how willing these " angels" were to give & give some more. Soon there was enough for generous gift cards to our local gas station & grocery store, and still more to add to a "cash box" for bills or whatever. I was completely speechless and absolutely humbled to be on the receiving end of such a glorious show of love. The blessings were not just the tangible ones I could hold and enjoy, but the great swelling of gratitude I felt for my precious family--how lucky I am to have this circle of love around me each and every minute. Wow. What more can I say, than thank you, thank you, thank you...

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