Friday, July 26, 2013

July's Lazy Daze

Still in the waiting zone.  No news yet.  I was a little worried when the biopsy spot in my back continued to bleed and "ooze" fluid for several days past the normal healing time, but eventually it did stop.  It still feels a bit bruised and swollen--somedays I imagine people can see it poking out from behind, this "walnut" turned softball in my back (not really, but it seems that way...)  I also was tired of my old pedicure and needed a good trim and fresh polish, so Janessa and I tried a new place not far from home.  Nice people, nice shop, but the "manager" got carried away with the scraper/razor thingee they use on the bottoms of our tough feet and took a small chunk of skin off my heel.  It bled and stung like crazy, but I sucked up the pain and chalked it up to what has become normal - a day never passes without some sort of new hitch that causes pain.  Unfortunately, when I got home, I also discovered that she had clipped the cuticle on my right big toe until it was painful and bleeding, too!  Oy!  Might be a while (if ever) that I go back there again.  Disinfectant and Neosporin and hobbling around a few days and I'm finally back to where I was before the pedi.  I do have cute pink toes, though!

 Stuck in the lazy "daze" of the month of July.  Hot outside, cool inside, nothing pressing to do but read books, watch movies, EAT, and run somewhat meaningless errands just to get out of the house once in a while.  I love it... and I'm trying to enjoy it while I can.

July also brings celebrations and holidays - 4th of July and Pioneer Day (July 24).  Tradition made me long for the Handcart Days Parade on Main Street Bountiful, but just couldn't pull up the energy to battle crowds to set up chairs in the morning, find a parking spot before 6 pm, and slowly melt into the pavement watching the parade shoulder to shoulder with the town folk.  So, for the first time in forever, we didn't go to the parade.  Instead, we bought hamburgers and took them to our favorite fireworks-watching spot above the junior high long before dusk and waited for the show to begin.  Aaron and Linds and family joined us and I sat back in my camp chair and watched the kids.  Never a dull moment!  Always get teary as the fireworks start, thinking of my mom and dad and all us big kids and our little kids and the noisy, wonderful time we'd have every year... It will never be the same.

July is also birthday time for two of my sibs.  I do love family.  Makes all this waiting, watching, bleeding, and praying worthwhile.

(Pictures:  Troy, Dionne, "Frankie", and me on a Christmas Eve long ago; Troy and Dionne - the birthday kids!)

1 comment:

  1. We have the best oldest sister in all the world ��I love you, Lisa! Press On!!!!
