Monday, March 14, 2011

What a difference a week makes...

March 14, 2011: One whole week since the news that abruptly rocked our world. My mind still can't quite wrap itself around the difference between last Monday's despair and this Monday's hope. And yet, when I think of what has happened in the REAL WORLD the past few days--the horrific earthquake and tsunami in Japan--I know I am blessed to be fighting this minor challenge compared to what others are facing. I'm also happy to say that there are NO doctor/clinic/hospital appointments today. Wow. What to do? Quick trip to the library. Catch up on work. Call hospital to pre-register. Take a nap (darn that Daylight Savings Time). Write thank-you notes. Nothing too taxing, because even though I feel okay physically (other than twinges in my neck that seem to say, "hurry up, get this thing out of here"), I'm kind of shaky emotionally. I especially felt it yesterday at church, even in the midst of people I love. Guess it's something to get used to, much like the scars I'll carry on the outside. I think I'll let Janessa do Family Home Evening tonight. Her idea? Go get Slurpees and take a drive. Talk. Look at something we've never seen before. Explore. See where that road takes us. I'll be in charge of the music--something happy we can bounce our heads to. Sounds like it's going to be a good day.


  1. My darling Lisa,
    You are such an inspiration to me. I love reading your book. I love you!

  2. Our prayers are with you Lisa. You have written well all that you have been through, with a talent that few have. I have seen and felt much of what you are experiencing, by your words. Thanks for the insight and inspiration.
    Love you,
