Monday, November 7, 2011

Catching up with Gratitude

Monday, November 7, 2011: I usually don't turn on my computer on the weekends, simply because I'd rather be doing other things on Saturday and Sunday than sitting in front of the computer screen. It tends to be very addicting. I feel like my Monday through Friday job that requires staring into the computer world is enough. So...I missed my Saturday and Sunday gratitude entries (as you may or may not have noticed). Here's a little catch-up:

Saturday: Today, I was grateful for a warm coat and a fluffy scarf around my scarred neck. (Who knew that my "wobbler" would be affected by the cold weather? Dr. Avizonis said that the cold may cause it to swell and be weird this winter. Gee, thanks. But, I am glad to be forewarned. It gives me a good excuse for more scarves!) It snowed on us today. Boo. I'm not a winter person. I'd much rather be warm from the sun than a heater. I will admit that the snow can be pretty, but I like it best when it covers the lawns and trees...and then swiftly melts away. It did that today, for the most part. Thank you.

Sunday: Today, I was grateful for a peaceful Sabbath...and one extra hour to sleep (Daylight Savings Time ended). Our church meetings were spirit-filled and I was motivated to do and be better. My Sunday nap was sweet, even if it wasn't quite long enough. Dinner was quick and easy and good (orange chicken and rice) and Family Council was enlightening, thanks to my two good supporters. After, we played Monopoly - and though I came in last (with my four measly properties!), it was fun. Janessa wants it to be on the Council agenda: "Board Game Time". We'll see.

And now for today's gratitude moment: Today, I am grateful for phone calls that begin with "Hello, my sweet girl!", which can only mean my momma is on the other end. She sounds so good! There was a time - not so long ago - that I saved two or three messages from those phone calls that I missed from her, just to listen to her voice over and over again, wondering if I would ever hear her that way again, if at all. I'm SOOO grateful for my mom and her continued progress and strength. I'm so grateful that she continues to worry about me and give me advice and share her love with me. I love her dearly. Yes, it's a good day when I can talk to my mom and laugh with her and catch up on our crazy lives. Thanks, Mom. Love you...

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for you and your posts. I'm thankful for your wonderful writing style. I'm thankful I lived next to you for 10 years and that you've continued to be my friend. I'm thankful you let me be part of your life by allowing me to read all your blogs. I repeat--I'm thankful for you!
