Thursday, June 7, 2012

You know you're starting to feel better when... start to pluck chin hairs again. want to make an appointment to get the carpets and couches cleaned. wear ALL your underwear again. takes less than an hour to shower, wash your hair, and get dressed.
...physical therapy is only a minor bother now. crave (well, really wish you could eat it right now) chips & salsa, mushroom/sausage pizza, a macadamia caramel cluster from Costco. wonder if you could handle a trip to Walmart without using a wheelchair--and would it be worth putting on makeup and real shoes? wake up in the morning and you're sleeping on your favorite side--and it only hurts a little. can laugh out loud, sneeze, and cough without holding your tummy. want to get in the car and take a long drive with the windows down. start making a grocery list again. can read books and magazines without getting nauseous. can brush your teeth without getting nauseous. start checking Facebook. want to write thank-you notes. want to read your scriptures. don't care if someone sees you shuffling to the mailbox in your slippers. want to sit at the table and have a blessing on the food when you eat dinner. don't dream about hospitals every night. want to sing again.


  1. Hooray for feeling better!!! Yay!

  2. I knew you'd bounce back. So glad to hear the good news. Keep it up!

