June 16, 2011: I love numbers, I admit it. Especially when they start to line up and satisfy my "symmetrical" life (yeah, I'm not abstract at all - just ask my mom!). Here are some of my favorites:
*Sister Dionne's first 3 kids - all born on the 28th of the month (last born asserted his uniqueness by being born five days after the 28th).
*Cute Boynton niece born on 8/8/88.
*I graduated from high school in the bicentennial year of 1976. Chelsea graduated in the Class of 2000. Ness will graduate in 2015 (I'm sure that's somehow significant!).
*Dad was born in 1939. I was born in 1959.
*Grandpa Boynton born in 1920. Mom born in 1940. Troy born in 1960. Aaron born in 1980. Jeddy born in 2000. I can always remember how old they are!
*My kids have great "last digits" of phone numbers: "3030" - easy to remember, fun to say. "1982" - year of birth. How cool is that! Mine, by the way, is not cool.
*The 9s and 28s rule in our family. We were married on 2/9/79. Aaron was born on 4/9. Chelsea was born on 4/28. Ally was born on 8/28. Avery was born on 8/9. Knox was born on 3/28. My daddy was born on 1/28. My darling niece, Malyree, was born on 2/28. (And then you have all those Burton kids born on the 28th, too.)
Now, check this out: First biopsy surgery - 3/3. Diagnosis - 3/7. Major surgery - 3/17. Final day of radiation - 6/7. Final procedure recommended by oncologist - 6/17. Aren't numbers awesome?
After tomorrow's procedure, I will go four and a half weeks without seeing a doctor or the inside of a hospital. Now, those are numbers to shout "2 - 4- 6- 8 - What do we appreciate? EVERYTHING!" (Sorry, had to do it...)
And Maly is February 28th! You KNOW I love numbers -- and I love you, Sista, numberlessly!